This site belongs to Larry and Julie Bernard. Pictures and comments posted here are of our family and the many different things they do and experience. We hope you enjoy your time spent here and encourage you to post comments as you make your visit. Until we meet again in person, may this be a way that we say here is what is happening in our lives. Have a "gooday" Larry and Julie

Monday, June 09, 2008

Julie Bustin Cement

As you can see, Julie has dug a large 11'x24' hole to lay a new concrete side walk area in front of the house. All of her digging was done by pick and shovel then the rock hauld by wheelbarel out to the alley. She is now chipping out the old concrete sidewalk before a new slab is poured. If you need any work done, call Julie.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marlin says< "I see no dust coming from the jack hammer Julie"

7:28 PM  

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