This site belongs to Larry and Julie Bernard. Pictures and comments posted here are of our family and the many different things they do and experience. We hope you enjoy your time spent here and encourage you to post comments as you make your visit. Until we meet again in person, may this be a way that we say here is what is happening in our lives. Have a "gooday" Larry and Julie

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Birthday Cake For Mom and Dad

Hey Pat, now that I can see through the smoke, it looks like real chocolate. What do you have on yours? Also, all those people over there are waiting and watching us, I think they want a piece of the action - meaning they want our cake. If you drop yours, they may go for it and we can get out the back door and split the one I have. The rest of the story - in 2004 we all met at Shay and Andrea's house (Ava was not here yet - just Abby and not Meghan). We all had a great time.

Mom and Snowpeople

A special treat around Osborne is the "snowperson" collection that mom has put together. All the way from the giant snowman to the little snowfamily in the background. As you can see mom has all of her snowpeople waving a friendly hello to all of those that pass by and also to the camera man, dad. So, make plans sometime to stop in during the Christmas season and see this special collection waving hello. By the way, mom does not stand out in the yard all the time waving, you may have to go inside, dad and her will have the coffee on or some other special drink to give away.

Dad The Gardener

Do you see that man surrounded by all of those large plants? That is dad, who commits a lot of his time during the summer growing all kinds of great things to eat. Then he gets mom to help him box up all of what has been picked and makes the rounds to Russell, Kannopolis, and Ellsworth giving away all these veggies. It is treat to all of us. I think at times they pick nearly 50-70 tomatoes a day when things are in full throttle. I believe they are going to have to get a bigger pickup or just hook on to the trailer when they make their deliveries. All I have to say is - Keep Those Veggies Comin!

Good Times In Shad and Amy's Backyard

Near Halloween in 2005 the Bernards got together in Dayton, Ohio at the home of Shad, Amy, Abby, and Meghan. Larry, Julie, Shay, Andrea, and Ava left Kansas City at 9:00 P.M. and drove all night (another memorable pickup trip) while Shon and Jenna flew in from Florida. One night while Larry, Shay, and Shon went to Shad's football game the girl's - Amy, Abby, Meghan, Julie, Andrea, Ava, and Jenna all went shopping. The next night we all enjoyed a night at home cooking, eating, and then time in the backyard making smores and sitting around the fire. We all had a wonderful time enjoying each others company.

Hailey Graduates May 2005

Hailey Jo Frewen graduated from St. Francis High School in May of 2005. Like all seniors, they look forward to their own future and she started that after a full work schedlue that summer in St. Francis. In the fall Hailey headed off to Colby Community Junior College in Colby, Kansas.