This site belongs to Larry and Julie Bernard. Pictures and comments posted here are of our family and the many different things they do and experience. We hope you enjoy your time spent here and encourage you to post comments as you make your visit. Until we meet again in person, may this be a way that we say here is what is happening in our lives. Have a "gooday" Larry and Julie

Friday, July 07, 2006

Third Graders Go For A Plan Ride

This is the second year in a row that Julie's third grade students get a plane ride at the end of the school year. This event has become the most popular end-of-year classroom experience that students in Osborne Elementary School encounter. The students get a short lesson on how the plane flys, then it is off for a trip around Osborne and the surrounding area. Last year Kenny Ubelaker and his wife also went and this year it was a treak to take Darrel Wolters and his son.

Julie and the Goat

Julie had a fun time feeding the goat. She told Patrick and Daniel a goat like this would be fun to have as a classroom pet. I think the goat would like to have strawberry jelly on the bread Julie was feeding her.

Patrick, Daniel, and Jenny

Patrick Barney, RHS German teacher and his son Daniel, stopped by our house the other evening and brought their goat Jenny along. She is a special minature milking goat and Patrick has plans to make a certain cheese with her milk. Jenny goes about anywhere with them and she is broke to lead. She sure was fun to watch and feed as Julie gave here several pieces of bread.