This site belongs to Larry and Julie Bernard. Pictures and comments posted here are of our family and the many different things they do and experience. We hope you enjoy your time spent here and encourage you to post comments as you make your visit. Until we meet again in person, may this be a way that we say here is what is happening in our lives. Have a "gooday" Larry and Julie

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Central Kansas Forest

Among the 15 trees, not all visible, rests the house of Larry and Julie. Despite the hot dry weather the trees continue to grow and offer shade to those that pass by. One of these days these trees will tower above the house making it a miniature dwelling shaded from sun up to sun down and sheltered from the winds that blow. This year it looks as though we made need to purchase a leaf rake - or maybe the wind will just blow the leaves to another place.

Wild Killdeer

Living in the field just behind our house is this family of Killdeer birds. You can see the one adult and three chicks. For those of you who do not know, these are a ground prairie living bird. They come to our backyard for water and shade under the cotton wood trees. They are really fun to watch as they scurry about in their fast like pace. If you come near them, one of the parents will pretend as though they are injured, leading you away from the young.

Relay For Life

For the last several years we have been involved with the Russell Relay For Life program which targets a fund raiser for those that lost their life to cancer or for cancer survivors. We have always sponsored a luminary for grandpa Ted. This is the picture of his luminary this year. Along with the program this year Candi, Danny and Debra's daughter who was one of the people in charge of entertainment for the night, talked Danny and I into a 15 minute program. We completed 15 minutes of high overhead spectacular "formation flying" as the people stood in awe. (Ok - so we flew over a couple of times)