This site belongs to Larry and Julie Bernard. Pictures and comments posted here are of our family and the many different things they do and experience. We hope you enjoy your time spent here and encourage you to post comments as you make your visit. Until we meet again in person, may this be a way that we say here is what is happening in our lives. Have a "gooday" Larry and Julie

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Rideing In From Ohio

Shad and Amy joined up with the girls in Kansas and another stop was as the Pat and Marlin Bernard Ranch in Osborne. Horse-ing around is always part of the day there.

Julie, Abby, and Meghan

Julie and Abby had been talking about an Girls Only Party" for a long time. They are making the pink cup cakes that will be served.

Dad says Saddle-Up Girls

The Chickens Are In Here

Julie, Abby, and Meghan

The Driscoll's have a lot of chickens, so Abby and Meghan learned how to gather eggs, and there were about 30 of them.

Abby and Meghan

Abby and Meghan came early in June and stayed with us. One of our outings was to the Jerry and Patty Dricoll farm to see the animals.

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 2009 - We all made it - good times, great food, special people.

Shon and the 140

The Bonanza was in the shop so Danny was kind enough to let us take his Piper 140. We will fly anything that has wings. This is a smart looking plane.

Shon at the Steerman Fly

Shon and I went out to the Steerman Fly-In, camped out Friday night, spent Saturday enjoying the plane stuff, and flew back to Russell Saturday.